December 21st, 2020 by GBN1

A Smart, Economical, and Safe Way to Order ADVANAGE 20X Multipurpose Cleaner or Nemesis NOVID-19 Disinfectant.

Buy by the pallet and you’ll not only save money; you’ll also make sure your products arrive on time and safely.


Buy by the Pallet – 60 Cases of Quarts: 36 Cases of Gallons

Buy 60 cases of quarts (12 quarts/case) of 20X or Nemesis. You’ll get a great price. Buy 36 cases of gallons (4 gallons/case) of 20X and you’ll also get a great price.

That’s because 1) you’re getting bulk-buyer rates (significant quantity discount) and 2) your entire order will be packaged and wrapped on a wooden pallet and shipped and delivered by a professional freight carrier.

Both ADVANAGE 20X and Nemesis Disinfectant (EPA REG. NO. 1839-83-64900) can be purchased online at or by calling Advanage Diversified’s Headquarters located at 16615 S. Halsted St, Harvey IL 60426 (Tel: 877.588.8391).

Choose one of any rendition of Advanage. This concentrated, all-purpose cleaner has hundreds of uses. Cleans just about everything. Eco-friendly and safe around children and pets. Includes a free Mixing Applicator.


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