A Poll for ADVANAGE Wonder Cleaner Customers

Nathan Edwards, Founder,
CEO, Advanage Diversified

Since 1980 we’ve sold our ADVANAGE Multipurpose Cleaner to over 40 million customers.

They purchase the product for various reasons, some of which are listed below.  We’d like some feedback on how you rate these selling messages and which resonate mostly with you.   Just put an X in a box for each marketing message:

AVANAGE can be purchased at www.advanage20x.com or over the phone at 877.588.8391. The company also has a 501C3 non-profit foundation to help young Americans from the under privileged neighborhoods of America find jobs, make money and have some fun. Tax-deductible donations can be made at www.advanagefoundation.org.

January 26th, 2018 by