Oil and Grease Spots Removal
November 6th, 2020 by GBN1

Cleans Oil and Grease Spots from the Driveway.

Leton Bush mixes one-part water and one-part ADVANAGE 20X… ½ water, ½ 20X. Just spray it on the oil and grease spots on your concrete driveway. Then with a wire brush, scrub in a circulation motion. Rinse with a hose.

ADVANAGE 20X is available for sale at www.advanage20X.com
To watch the demonstration, go to https://youtu.be/S0xFOhkhWgQ

5.0 out of 5 stars “Great cleaner. Best cleaner EVER. Cuts through grease. Great smell. Use it on any surface. Great stuff.” Vicki Villers


Formulated to deep clean surfaces and emulsify oils and grease. A super-concentrated, multipurpose cleaner that is biodegradable and non-toxic.

Choose one of any rendition of Advanage. This concentrated, all-purpose cleaner has hundreds of uses. Cleans just about everything. Eco-friendly and safe around children and pets. Includes a free Mixing Applicator.


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