Commercial Salesperson
October 5th, 2015 by GBN1

Commercial Clean Up

One of the toughest industrial cleaning jobs is removing tire marks from your garage or hanger floors. If you do not remove these promptly, the buildup can really accumulate into an unsightly mess.

The fastest and easiest approach clean them up is to use an industrial floor scrubber. Use a liquid cleaner with a high-powered surfactant (surface active agent) so that stubborn rubber marks are emulsified with your liquid cleaner. This way you’ll get a clean floor, free of scuff marks.

You should also maintain a regular sweeping schedule. Remove any debris, oil and grease that might be left behind. Not doing so can make the concrete or asphalt deteriorate faster which can cause premature cracks. These can create potholes, or even sink holes in certain situations.

Clean up any spills immediately, Spills can often have bigger consequences as they sometimes leave hazardous fluids on the garage or hanger floors. Train your employees and make sure they are aware of the dangers in letting spills, oil, grease and debris build up over time..

ADVANAGE 20X Multipurpose Cleaner, with its powerful, patented surfactant, is the ideal liquid cleaner to use for cleaning up tire marks and just about everything else. And it is eco-friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable, phosphate free and safe around children and animals. For more information go to or call 877-588-8391.

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