Multi-Purpose Cleaner for Your Home
October 26th, 2021 by GBN1

This Cleaner Does it All

With the current COVID-19 epidemic, it is critical to clean and disinfect your house on a regular basis to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy.

While person-to-person transmission of COVID-19 is far more dangerous than surface transmission, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests washing and sanitizing high-touch surfaces at least once a day, even if you’re not leaving the house. That’s because there’s a chance of exposure whenever objects or people come in and out of your home.

According to a recent study, the new coronavirus may survive in the air for up to three hours and on surfaces such as cardboard for up to 24 hours and plastic and stainless steel for up to three days.

Here are a few tips for thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting your home and keeping your family as germ-free as possible.

5.0 out of 5 stars. “Amazing stuff, really, it is.”

“This stuff cleans anything! It’s removed blood from my ivory sheets,
chocolate, ketchup, mayonnaise, oil, etc. I used it to clean so many
things, mainly laundry prep and general cleanings like the kitchen and
bathroom. I will be glad to have it in the house again.” Ama Raevyn77
ADVANAGE 20X is available for purchase at or
by calling 877.588.8391

We have worked really hard over the years to bring you a multi-purpose cleaner like no other. And this has yielded many loyal customers over the years.

The Difference Between Cleaning and Disinfecting

It is critical to understand that cleaning a surface – merely removing dirt and particulates – is not the same as disinfecting it to kill viruses and germs.

You can clean hard surfaces with a variety of chemicals, including soapy water and vinegar. While cleaning high-traffic surfaces to eliminate pollutants, dust, and debris is an important part of cleaning your house, you must also disinfect those surfaces to protect them from the new coronavirus.

Disinfecting Against COVID-19

You don’t have to clean your house from top to bottom every day, but you should concentrate on sterilizing germ-infested regions. The following are the most crucial objects to disinfect on a daily basis:

  • Cabinet and drawer knobs and pulls
  • Faucets
  • Counters in the kitchen and bathrooms
  • Toilets, in particular, the seat and handle
  • Handles for refrigerators, dishwashers, ovens, and microwaves
  • Game controllers and remote controls
  • Cell phones, tablets, and other portable electronic devices
  • Computer mice and keyboards
  • Doorknobs and handles
  • Surfaces of tables
  • Railings for the stairs
  • Switchplates/light switches

Wear disposable gloves if feasible, and dispose of them after disinfection. If you’re using reusable gloves, make sure to disinfect them when you’re through. Remember to wash your hands before and after cleaning and disinfecting your home.

How to Clean and Disinfect If You Have a Sick Person In Your Home

If you have a sick individual in your home, the CDC advises you to take extra care to clean and disinfect your living spaces.

The ill individual should be kept away from the rest of the family and, if feasible, utilize a separate bedroom and bathroom. Only clean and disinfect the area surrounding the ill person as necessary, such as when the area is dirty. This will help you restrict your interaction with the sick person.

If feasible, supply cleaning products to the sick person so that they can clean their own place if they are able. If you share a restroom with someone who is ill, they should clean and disinfect the area after each use. If this isn’t possible, wait as long as you can before cleaning and disinfecting.

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remove mildew and mold
May 28th, 2021 by GBN1

Need to Remove Mildew and Mildew?

Does spring make mildew worse?

The spring is here and with it comes the rain and mildew. Yuch. Mildew and mold, which is considered a year-round allergy, can also wreak havoc in spring. This is especially true when damp and rainy conditions, followed by warmer weather, lead to a high concentration of mold.

How do I treat mildew?

To remove mildew and mold effectively from walls and grout, Larry suggests that you mix a solution of one part Advanage Multi Purpose Cleaner to twenty parts water. Spray the moldy areas and lightly scrub with a brush. Dampen (don’t soak) a sponge with the solution and wipe for a final touch. (Remember to wear protective gear such as glasses, gloves and even a face mask, advises Larry.)

Advanage. This concentrated, all-purpose cleaner has hundreds of uses. Cleans just about everything. Eco-friendly and safe around children and pets. Includes a free Mixing Applicator.

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March 9th, 2021 by GBN1


Our Advanage Ready to use formula is great. It is,

Not a Concentrate. Industrial Strength.
Ready to Use, and No Mixing Required.

A best seller with farmers, ranchers, and dairy owners. Also popular with printing press owners and heavy equipment businesses.

Pre-mixed, no dilution required, this extraordinary, ready-to-use, industrial-strength multipurpose cleaner cleans most everything carpets, soap scum, mold and mildew, oxidation, hard water spots, floors, and walls.

It easily removes oil and grease from counters, sinks, appliances, vehicles, and concrete floors. ADVANAGE PRE-MIXED WONDER CLEANER contains no phosphates, is non-toxic, biodegradable, and safe around children and pets.

View Details

Ready To Use Formula – Gallons $64.95

Advanage Ready To Use Multi Purpose Cleaner

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Commercial Salesperson
February 1st, 2016 by GBN1

Carpet Cleaning by Advanage20x.


For routine care, a vacuum cleaner is your most important tool.  Vacuum at least weekly or even more often where there is heavy traffic.

However, you will inevitably have to deal with carpet stains.  Millions of people have purchased our Advanage cleaners for this purpose.  Thousands say it is the best cleaner they have ever used when it comes to difficult-to-remove stains. Here is what we have learned about carpet stain removal.

  1. Do a colorfastness test first. Pre-test on an inconspicuous are of the carpet.  Apply several drops of the cleaner.  Hold a wet white cloth next to the area for 60 seconds. Examine it for color transfer or fabric damage.  If there is none, proceed as follows.  See Note below:
  2. Apply the liquid cleaner.  Let it sit for a minute.  Then blot, don’t scrub. Blot with a white paper towel or both until the area is dry.
  3. Be patient. You may have to repeat the procedure.
  4. When the stain is removed, flush with water to remove all remnants of the cleaner. Then blot.

Note: Some cleaner liquids have a distinct color which when applied to a light color carpet leave there own color stain on the carpet.  So… use a neutral-color carpet cleaner.  Our company’s Advanage 20X Clear Multipurpose Cleaner was developed for exactly that purpose… to be used on light-colored carpets and fabrics.

For more information about our cleaning products go to or call us at 708-331-8390.  


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Commercial Salesperson
December 22nd, 2015 by GBN1

Natural, premium-quality Carpet Cleaning products for safe & effective home cleaning by Advanage20x.


For routine care, a vacuum cleaner is your most important tool. Vacuum at least weekly or even more often where there is heavy traffic.

However, you will inevitably have to deal with carpet stains. Millions of people have purchased our Advanage cleaners for this purpose. Thousands say it is the best cleaner they have ever used when it comes to difficult-to-remove stains. Here is what we have learned about carpet stain removal.

1. Do a colorfastness test first. Pre-test on an inconspicuous are of the carpet. Apply several drops of the cleaner. Hold a wet white cloth next to the area for 60 seconds. Examine it for color transfer or fabric damage. If there is none, proceed as follows. See Note below:

2. Apply the liquid carpet cleaner. Let it sit for a minute. Then blot, don’t scrub. Blot with a white paper towel or both until the area is dry.

3. Be patient. You may have to repeat the procedure.

4. When the stain is removed, flush with water to remove all remnants of the cleaner. Then blot.

Note: Some carpet cleaning liquids have a distinct color which when applied to a light color carpet leave there own color stain on the carpet. So… use a neutral-color carpet cleaner. Our company’s Advanage 20X Clear Multipurpose Cleaner was developed for exactly that purpose… to be used on light-colored carpets and fabrics.

For more information about our cleaning products go to or call us at 708-331-8390.

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Commercial Salesperson
December 3rd, 2015 by GBN1

ADVANAGE Super-Concentrated Multipurpose Cleaner

Outperforms the Leading Retail Brands


In Independent laboratory tests for cleaning effectiveness, super-concentrated, eco-friendly ADVANAGE Multipurpose Cleaner out performed all other cleaners in its class. ADVANAGE scored 96% – far outdoing the leading brand name retail cleaner which only scored 87%.

Rigid testing for cleaning effectiveness was conducted in eleven areas including ceramic and vinyl tile, semi-gloss enamel, Formica counters, stainless steel and all areas of restrooms and grease-soiled surfaces.

Advanage Diversified Products, Founder and President Nathan T. Edwards says, “We elected to submit our product to subjective testing in order to prove to the world what we already knew… ADVANAGE Wonder Cleaner may well be the number one cleaning product in America. Certainly these test results validate that our customers are getting more for their money and buying a proven winner.”

For more information about ADVANAGE 20X Multipurpose Cleaner go to or call 877-588-8391.

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Commercial Salesperson
December 1st, 2015 by GBN1

Toxic Cleaning Products

When you go to the store and buy that low-cost cleaning product, you may think you’re saving money but those products can have many hidden costs to the environment. Chemicals from household bleach, detergents, dish-soaps and toilet cleaners can leach into the soil and into our water without decomposing for decades.

Studies have shown that nearly 80% of our streams are contaminated with man-made chemicals. Many of these chemicals are known to be endocrine disruptors, meaning they interfere with the hormones of animals and people and lead to ill effects especially to our reproductive systems. They can also be neurotoxic and carcinogenic or cancer-causing.

We all have an obligation to protect our environment and leave this place pollution free for our children and future generations. One multipurpose cleaning product that is eco-friendly is ADVANAGE 20X Multipurpose Cleaner. It is non-toxic, biodegreable, phosphate free and safe around children and pets.

For more information go to or call 877-588-8391.

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Commercial Salesperson
November 13th, 2015 by GBN1

Cleaning your Bathtub and Sinks

First encourage everyone in the family to wipe down tubs and sinks with a soft cloth after every use to prevent dirt and soap deposits from building up.  If the sink is stainless steel, go over it a second time with a dry cloth.  Standing water will cause spots to form.

The material of a tub and sink determines how you clean it.  As a rule, never use an abrasive cleaner such as scouring powders or steel wool on acrylic, fiberglass, stainless steel, or sealed-marble tubs and basins.  Instead use a sponge with hot water and a liquid cleaner.  And make sure that cleaner is eco-friendly, because toxic liquid cleaners are a major cause of contamination to our nation’s streams.

One liquid cleaner that will clean your tubs and sinks better than you ever could imagine is ADVANAGE 20X Multipurpose Cleaner.  And it is eco-friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable, phosphate free and safe around children and pets.  For more information go to or call 877-588-8391.

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Commercial Salesperson
November 11th, 2015 by GBN1

Cleaning products with phosphates can cause “dead zones” in lakes and streams. Dead zones are areas in our oceans, lakes, and streams that contain little to no oxygen, and are therefore unable to support aquatic life. These dead zones are caused by pollution from human activities.

Detergents used in many liquid cleaners  are rich in phosphates which cause algae and plankton to flourish in waterways. These algae use up all the oxygen, leaving these dead zones where no fish or other plant life can flourish.

We all have an obligation to protect our environment and leave this place pollution free for our children and future generations.  One multipurpose cleaning product that is eco-friendly is ADVANAGE 20X Multipurpose Cleaner.   It is non-toxic, biodegradable, phosphate free and safe around children and pets.  For more information go to or call 877-588-8391.

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Commercial Salesperson
October 30th, 2015 by GBN1

Natural, premium-quality cleaning products for safe & effective home cleaning by Advanage20x.Green-Apple- Your source for eco cleaning products for the home. Citrus- Your source for eco cleaning products for the home. Clear- Your source for eco cleaning products for the home. Lavender- Your source for eco cleaning products for the home.

Are you looking for quality eco cleaning products? Here is what you need to know. On the market today, there are many eco-friendly cleaning products but not all produce the best cleaning results.

Cleaning products are everywhere in our homes and offices: on dishes, countertops, furniture, clothes, floors, windows, and floating through the air. In our war on dirt and germs we may often actually be making things worse. Whether you’re a housekeeper who cleans with these products all day or someone who cleans your own home regularly, you should take the time to consider it.

6 reasons to try our muti purpose cleaner that is a eco friendly cleaning product.

  1. Healthier Home
  2. Purer Environment
  3. Safer Products
  4. Better Air Quality
  5. Less Expensive
  6. Fewer Antibacterials

Selecting only environmentally friendly cleaning products is critical to maintaining our health and a satisfactory level of cleanliness and disinfection in our homes.

Using environmentally friendly cleaning products just makes sense. What are your thoughts on eco cleaning products?


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