Here is a real quote from a user of Advanage 20X. She discusses Advanage in four main ways.
- Numerous applications—”used for every type of household cleaning”
- Cost-effective: “one bottle lasted us a year”
- Aroma is pleasing – “The scent is extremely pleasing.”
- Safe: “I don’t have to worry about my dogs or our kid being exposed to chemicals from mopping, etc.”
From Katrina, “I Use Advanage20x for Everything”
We utilized the cleaner for all of our household cleaning needs, and one bottle lasted us a full year because it just needs a small amount of water to produce effective cleaning results.
On oven grease, a somewhat more strong mixture of it washes off as if something had just been spilled there after only a few brief minutes!
I don’t worry about the chemicals used in mopping, etc., harming my dogs or our child because the smell is quite lovely and enjoyable to be around after use.
When we ran out of this product, switching to other name-brand cleansers from the neighborhood store felt inferior in contrast, so I have a feeling I’ll be a lifelong user.
Posted in Uses Tagged with: Advanage20x, all purpose cleaner, Cleaning your Bathtub, eco friendly cleaner, utilizing Advanage20x

Our Advanage Ready to use formula is great. It is,
Not a Concentrate. Industrial Strength.
Ready to Use, and No Mixing Required.
A best seller with farmers, ranchers, and dairy owners. Also popular with printing press owners and heavy equipment businesses.
Pre-mixed, no dilution required, this extraordinary, ready-to-use, industrial-strength multipurpose cleaner cleans most everything carpets, soap scum, mold and mildew, oxidation, hard water spots, floors, and walls.
It easily removes oil and grease from counters, sinks, appliances, vehicles, and concrete floors. ADVANAGE PRE-MIXED WONDER CLEANER contains no phosphates, is non-toxic, biodegradable, and safe around children and pets.
View Details
Ready To Use Formula – Gallons $64.95
Posted in Uses Tagged with: all purpose cleaner, Cleaning your Bathtub, eco friendly cleaner, Ready to Use Formula
December 1st, 2015 by GBN1
Toxic Cleaning Products
When you go to the store and buy that low-cost cleaning product, you may think you’re saving money but those products can have many hidden costs to the environment. Chemicals from household bleach, detergents, dish-soaps and toilet cleaners can leach into the soil and into our water without decomposing for decades.
Studies have shown that nearly 80% of our streams are contaminated with man-made chemicals. Many of these chemicals are known to be endocrine disruptors, meaning they interfere with the hormones of animals and people and lead to ill effects especially to our reproductive systems. They can also be neurotoxic and carcinogenic or cancer-causing.
We all have an obligation to protect our environment and leave this place pollution free for our children and future generations. One multipurpose cleaning product that is eco-friendly is ADVANAGE 20X Multipurpose Cleaner. It is non-toxic, biodegreable, phosphate free and safe around children and pets.
For more information go to or call 877-588-8391.
Posted in Uses Tagged with: ADVANAGE 20X, Cleaning your Bathtub, ECO cleaning products, eco friendly cleaner, multi purpose cleaner manufacturers, Toxic Cleaning Products
November 13th, 2015 by GBN1
Cleaning your Bathtub and Sinks
First encourage everyone in the family to wipe down tubs and sinks with a soft cloth after every use to prevent dirt and soap deposits from building up. If the sink is stainless steel, go over it a second time with a dry cloth. Standing water will cause spots to form.
The material of a tub and sink determines how you clean it. As a rule, never use an abrasive cleaner such as scouring powders or steel wool on acrylic, fiberglass, stainless steel, or sealed-marble tubs and basins. Instead use a sponge with hot water and a liquid cleaner. And make sure that cleaner is eco-friendly, because toxic liquid cleaners are a major cause of contamination to our nation’s streams.
One liquid cleaner that will clean your tubs and sinks better than you ever could imagine is ADVANAGE 20X Multipurpose Cleaner. And it is eco-friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable, phosphate free and safe around children and pets. For more information go to or call 877-588-8391.
Posted in Uses Tagged with: ADVANAGE 20X, Cleaning your Bathtub, ECO cleaning products, eco friendly cleaner, multi purpose cleaner manufacturers