October 29th, 2020 by GBN1

One quart of ADVANAGE 20X makes 20 Quarts of ready to use cleaner. Just add water. In this video, watch George Alston saturate a steel wool pad with a 20:1 Advanage 20X dilution and remove rust from chrome and oxidation from aluminum. And ADVANAGE 20X is eco-friendly and safe around children and pets.

To watch the demonstration, go to: https://www.youtube.com/embed/b9G3o8-5HeY

Go to www.advanage20x.com –Choose one of any rendition of Advanage. This concentrated, all-purpose cleaner has hundreds of uses. Cleans just about everything. Eco-friendly and safe around children and pets. Includes free Mixing Applicator.


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