December 19th, 2015 by GBN1
High School Drop Out Rates in America’s public high schools, 45% of black students and 43% of Hispanics (as compared to 22% of whites) drop out before their classes graduate. Dropout rates are especially high in urban areas with large minority populations.
And of those black and Hispanic students who do manage to earn a diploma, a large percentage are functionally illiterate. Black high-school graduates perform, on average, at a level that is four academic years below that of their white counterparts.
Substandard schools, poverty, non-existent parenting, and teachers unions focused on compensation, tenure and benefits or just some of the reasons why these young Americans are destined to live their lives in poverty and underachievement.
Our company, Advanage Diversified Products, Inc. hires young people from our nation’s underprivileged inner cities. So we see first-hand just how ill-prepared these young people are to become contributing citizens. We can’t do much about their formal education but we can give them a job and give them some hope for the future.
To those ends, we have formed a 501c3 non-profit organization that provides workforce development programs for these unemployed young Americans. Please visit our website and help us help these young people learn how to make a living and live a better life.
Posted in CEO Tagged with: ADVANAGE 20X, High School Drop Out, joblessness, Providing Jobs, Training unemployed
December 8th, 2015 by GBN1
Migrants find success in the United States, the pursuit of the American dream is as old as America itself. The goal of seeking a better life is limited only by ones determination, imagination and ability. This pursuit continues to fuel the dream of migrants who leave their home, comfort, friends and family. For many who have migrated from their home in pursuit of the American dream it has led them to unheard of success.
Many of the people shown here are business people in their own rights which exemplifies their undying entrepreneurial spirit that hard work, honesty and integrity still goes a long way in 2015. As Advanage prepares to celebrate its 31st year in the door-to-door industry, these independent distributors can highlight their migratory experience from state-to-state across our nation in pursuit of the American dream. The celebration is to amplify and promote the new marketing additive of signing customers up to be distributors of our Wonder Cleaner thus, assuring their continual success.
These are members of Mr. Nathan T. Edwards’ sales crew that migrated from the inner cities of America to different parts of the United States in search of reaching the American dream far into this century.
Posted in CEO Tagged with: ADVANAGE 20X, Advanage Diversified Products, Mr. Nathan T. Edwards, Nathan T. Edwards, Providing Jobs, Reseller Program
December 2nd, 2015 by GBN1
Advanage Foundation Receives Major Donation Today
Mr. LeVan Ellis, a leading entrepreneur in the Direct Selling Industry, has donated an IBM AS400 (iSeries) Server with Backup Power Supply to the Advanage Foundation, a Community Development Corporation.

Nathan T. Edwards (left) and LeVan Ellis. Two entrepreneurs helping young Americans live better lives.
The Harvey, IL based Foundation provides assistance to underserved, typically inner-city, communities throughout the USA. Services include workforce development, entrepreneurial education, and recreational programs for young people living in underprivileged neighborhoods.
The AS/400 will be used by the Foundation to support its Computer Literacy initiatives. With that sort of in-house capability, the Foundation will be able to provide valuable training to citizens, young and old, in communities in and around our corporate headquarters in the south side of Chicago.
Mr. Nathan T. Edwards, Advanage Foundation Chairman commented, “Mr. Ellis and I have a long history of working with young, inner-city men and women. We give them a job, build their self-confidence and show them how to make money. This generous donation will help us take our computer literacy curriculum to a new level.”
Helping young and older Americans in Chicago is just the first stop for the Foundation. Plans are being formed to provide similar services in ten different Midwest cites. To accomplish that we need your help. Your donation, which is tax deductible, can be made at The Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization.
Advanage Foundation Contact Information:
6615 S. Halsted St., Suite C, Harvey, IL 60426
WEB:, TEL: 708-508-6100.
Posted in Foundation Tagged with: ADVANAGE 20X, joblessness, Providing Jobs, Training unemployed
December 1st, 2015 by GBN1
Toxic Cleaning Products
When you go to the store and buy that low-cost cleaning product, you may think you’re saving money but those products can have many hidden costs to the environment. Chemicals from household bleach, detergents, dish-soaps and toilet cleaners can leach into the soil and into our water without decomposing for decades.
Studies have shown that nearly 80% of our streams are contaminated with man-made chemicals. Many of these chemicals are known to be endocrine disruptors, meaning they interfere with the hormones of animals and people and lead to ill effects especially to our reproductive systems. They can also be neurotoxic and carcinogenic or cancer-causing.
We all have an obligation to protect our environment and leave this place pollution free for our children and future generations. One multipurpose cleaning product that is eco-friendly is ADVANAGE 20X Multipurpose Cleaner. It is non-toxic, biodegreable, phosphate free and safe around children and pets.
For more information go to or call 877-588-8391.
Posted in Uses Tagged with: ADVANAGE 20X, Cleaning your Bathtub, ECO cleaning products, eco friendly cleaner, multi purpose cleaner manufacturers, Toxic Cleaning Products
November 14th, 2015 by GBN1
Family, Race, and Mankind
We are all looking for people we can depend on. Family certainly meets that criterion so family is one group of people to hang on to.
We are also looking for people we can feel comfortable with. Race falls into that category so race is another group of people to hang on to.
However, if you really want to hang on to something that will never disappoint you…
Hang on to mankind
You will discover that mankind is far more important than the other two.
Nathan T. Edwards, Sr., 2015
Mr. Edwards is President and Founder of Advanage Diversified Products, Inc., Tel: 877-588-8391.
Posted in CEO Tagged with: ADVANAGE 20X, Reseller Program
November 13th, 2015 by GBN1
Cleaning your Bathtub and Sinks
First encourage everyone in the family to wipe down tubs and sinks with a soft cloth after every use to prevent dirt and soap deposits from building up. If the sink is stainless steel, go over it a second time with a dry cloth. Standing water will cause spots to form.
The material of a tub and sink determines how you clean it. As a rule, never use an abrasive cleaner such as scouring powders or steel wool on acrylic, fiberglass, stainless steel, or sealed-marble tubs and basins. Instead use a sponge with hot water and a liquid cleaner. And make sure that cleaner is eco-friendly, because toxic liquid cleaners are a major cause of contamination to our nation’s streams.
One liquid cleaner that will clean your tubs and sinks better than you ever could imagine is ADVANAGE 20X Multipurpose Cleaner. And it is eco-friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable, phosphate free and safe around children and pets. For more information go to or call 877-588-8391.
Posted in Uses Tagged with: ADVANAGE 20X, Cleaning your Bathtub, ECO cleaning products, eco friendly cleaner, multi purpose cleaner manufacturers
November 12th, 2015 by GBN1
Training unemployed
In 1999, the state of Illinois launched a program called EDGE – short for Economic Development for Growing Economy. The idea was to give companies tax incentives to hire additional employees.
Over those many years some 783 EDGE agreements were made with employers. Analysis now shows that 2 out of every 3 participants (employers) failed to keep or add employees as agreed.
Since 2001 some $450 Million in tax credits have been claimed by EDGE participants. The state is now seeking reimbursement from those who failed to hire the number of new employees their agreements called for.
Incentives to hire people the employer really don’t need or want to employ them is doomed to fail. The only lasting solution is to training unemployed people to perform jobs that employers need and want to fill.
Thus successful workforce development programs focus on training and motivation. is one such organization.
Posted in CEO Tagged with: ADVANAGE 20X, joblessness, Providing Jobs, Training unemployed
October 30th, 2015 by GBN1
Natural, premium-quality cleaning products for safe & effective home cleaning by Advanage20x.

Are you looking for quality eco cleaning products? Here is what you need to know. On the market today, there are many eco-friendly cleaning products but not all produce the best cleaning results.
Cleaning products are everywhere in our homes and offices: on dishes, countertops, furniture, clothes, floors, windows, and floating through the air. In our war on dirt and germs we may often actually be making things worse. Whether you’re a housekeeper who cleans with these products all day or someone who cleans your own home regularly, you should take the time to consider it.
6 reasons to try our muti purpose cleaner that is a eco friendly cleaning product.
- Healthier Home
- Purer Environment
- Safer Products
- Better Air Quality
- Less Expensive
- Fewer Antibacterials
Selecting only environmentally friendly cleaning products is critical to maintaining our health and a satisfactory level of cleanliness and disinfection in our homes.
Using environmentally friendly cleaning products just makes sense. What are your thoughts on eco cleaning products?
Posted in Uses Tagged with: ADVANAGE 20X, ECO cleaning products, eco friendly cleaner, multi purpose cleaner manufacturers
October 29th, 2015 by GBN1

Chrome. Chrome is cleaned rather than polished. Chrome does not oxidize as much as aluminum or stainless steel. It is usually thin, inert, and highly rigid.
Posted in Uses Tagged with: ADVANAGE 20X, multi-purpose cleaner
October 28th, 2015 by GBN1
For over 35 years, our company has been providing jobs for young people who have grown up in the under-served communities of the United States. Such communities are often found in our inner cities where schools are subpar, where more kids drop out of high school than graduate, where joblessness is a way of life, where young and old hang out on the street corners, and where crime runs rampant.
We recruit these young people from these miserable neighborhoods because they deserve a break. No references or even a high school diploma required. Just a willingness to change their lifestyle and work hard.
Having done this for over three decades we’ve learned a lot about what does and doesn’t work when dealing with these young men and women who have not had the benefits of a decent education and a healthy, nurturing home life.
First we concentrate on teaching them how to take care of themselves. Shaving, bathing, dressing appropriately (pants pulled all the way up to the waist), showing up on time, and treating their fellow trainees and trainers with respect… all are mandatory requirement in our training program.
Along with this self-esteem training, we introduce our ‘Selling is Living’ curriculum. That’s because right from childhood, life is selling. Think about it. You pitch your parents to take you to the movies. You pitch them to raise your allowance, get a nicer bike, perhaps your first car. You sell your friends on where to eat, what movie to see. Husbands and wives sell constantly: who takes the dog for a walk; who’s going to get the groceries?
And of course selling is what our company is really all about. We sell, door to door, all over the nation of Advanage Wonder Cleaner. However, we first train our sales people that selling begins with:
1. Self Confidence
2. Verbal, listening and physical communications skills (posture, smiling, look-in-the-eye)
3. Showing up on time, in the right clothing and with the right attitude (enthusiasm)
Only then should the sales person start discussing the product they are selling.
If you’d like to know more about our company and its mission to help young Americans, from the underprivileged neighborhoods of our inner cities get a break and get a job, please go
Posted in Foundation Tagged with: ADVANAGE 20X, joblessness, Providing Jobs