Advanage Cleans Kitchen Stove

Hello, my name is Rodney Johnson, and I’m going to show you how to clean the grease off the top of the stove in this kitchen. I’m an all-American man with the advantage.

For the most part, we are going to be employing a dilution ratio of three to one for the grease. Your three two one is shown on your bottle here; we are going to use three plots of water for one component of the cleaner that has water in it.

In a nutshell, this cleaner does not burn, it is non-toxic and biodegradable, it is friendly to the environment, and it is safe to use around children, dogs, and other animals, as well as plant life. It complies with OSHA, USDA, and EPA requirements.

Make sure your measurement is right. Excellent degreaser is next on our agenda as we move on to the first phase of citrus advantage. The most popular cleaning solution in the United States.

You put your nozzle at a mist. At the moment, we are working with a green pad that is an abrasive pad made by Scotch-Brite. What I’m going to do. I going gonna flood it. At this point, the grill might be a little too hot. However, when used in this manner, the cleaner performs quite well.

We are going to proceed both ahead and backward. The surface activation is breaking up the grease that is on the stove, and then we will just wipe it down with a damp cloth that will be brought back.

Quite impressive, hun? I believe that it is the best thing that has happened since cookies and ice cream were dipped in Java juice. We are working with the same dilution at the moment. We are going to remove the grease that has accumulated on the handle of the stove. In a nutshell, the same motion that you will use to saturate your Scotch-Brite pad with this abrasive will serve as the basis for the motion in which you will go forward, up, and back. Then you return with your towel that is completely soaked. Holy smokes Batman. Quite impressive. And now we come to the part of this discussion that really becomes sticky.

This is the kind of thing you have to enjoy as a chubby kid loves cake. We are going to thoroughly scrub the pad with the scotch-brite. Same pad. You have the option of going in a circular motion or going ahead and backward in this scenario. I’m going to perform something in a circular motion now. Really helps get rid of the grease a little bit more quickly. After that, we return with the saturated tile once more and simply wipe it down. Well I’ll start with the flour, then roll in the butter. You do like me a little bit, don’t you?

Well let it be the reason why you take issues and back a young fella that works hard instead of hardly working.

Carpet Spot Remover

July 20th, 2022 by